North Yorkshire County Council


North Yorkshire Standing Advisory Council

on Religious Education (SACRE) –


13th December 2022


Report of the Professional Religious Education Adviser -Timeline for Agreed Syllabus review (for Autumn 2024 implementation)


Please note: Consultation and discussion on options will  include a detailed paper outlining 4 options available to the Agreed Syllabus Conference (ASC).   These will be presented fully for consultation in the SACRE meeting later in the Autumn term and through the setup of an ASC.  These are presented here in brief for information only to inform the timeline set out below.


SACRE renews the licence with RE Today, which includes an updating of the 2019-2024 folder.

This update includes information on, for example, progression in the light of the new OFSTED EIF and research review, the Commission Report, new early Years framework, tighter requirements at KS4 and 5, assessment, and some additional guidance. This relicensing would include a ‘relaunch’ conference, to support teachers with ideas and resources.


SACRE could adopt RE Today’s more recent Syllabus Model B.

This syllabus shares some DNA with the current North Yorkshire syllabus, but offers a more systematic approach, incorporating questions from the Understanding Christianity resource being used in many schools, and a revised assessment model.


SACRE could adopt a syllabus from another local authority.

This could offer a syllabus written more recently that reflects the Commission on RE national report recommendations, exemplifying its new direction for Religion and Worldviews.


SACRE could commission a bespoke new syllabus.

This could reflect the Commission on RE national report recommendations closely, exemplifying its new direction for Religion and Worldviews.


Time implications and a commentary on these is set out on the following pages.


Olivia Seymour

Professional Religious Education Adviser


18 November 2022


Time implications and commentary

September to December 2022: work with schools, SACRE members and interested groups to ascertain their views on the syllabus

3 days

Writing and delivery of questionnaire / consultation sessions


Consultation could include:

-       Questionnaire for schools

-       Schools, SACRE members and interested groups invited to online consultation sessions


Analysis of feedback


Feedback to be considered at December SACRE meeting

Spring 2023: Agreed Syllabus Conference (ASC) set up and meeting Options, finance and timeline for a new syllabus to be discussed at SACRE meeting following feedback from ASC to discuss syllabus options and approve which syllabus will be adopted.

2 days


Writing of paper with options for ASC to consider and present to SACRE


Training for SACRE members on ASC


An initial ASC meeting with SACRE meeting to follow.  This will be a decision making meeting and the ASC is a legal body that will nominate a chair - following consideration of feedback and finances the ASC will decide which option to take and present this to the SACRE.  The timeline and commitment of SACRE members / employment of external consultants will be determined by which option is taken.


Wider support from NYCC for venues and administration



Time implications and commentary

April 2023 – March 2024 –  developing / writing of Agreed Syllabus


If option A B or C  is chosen this is likely to be 1-3 days depending on requirements from RE Today / intended SACRE


Liaison with RE Today / intended SACRE and liaison/writing of York specific content

Writing introduction pages to the syllabus – (will require input from the Chair and members input)


Writing appendices specific to North Yorkshire


Half a day for ASC to meet with follow on SACRE meeting this will include SACRE members writing and approval of introductory pages and updating SACRE on progress / communication with schools


If option C or D is selected then number of days would need to be scoped based on SACRE decisions


Usually writing a syllabus would require commissioning a consultant to write oversee / write the syllabus and is typically 10-15 days of consultant time


likely 3-5 days for ASC to meet with follow on SACRE meeting this will include SACRE members writing / approving of sections of the syllabus and updating SACRE on progress


Wider support from NYCC for venues and administration

Between March 2024 and June 2024: a launch conference / follow up sessions  all schools

2 days for officers / SACRE members


Communication to schools, distribution of syllabus and writing training materials for launch


Wider support from NYCC for venue and administration


1-3  days for officers / ASC & SACRE members attendance / delivery at conference day and follow up sessions